Starting Your Diet After the Holidays


Starting Your Diet After the Holidays

Starting Your Diet After the Holidays

Just thought this was too funny!

This use to happen to me and sometimes it still does when I want to detox or just reboot, I’m usually waiting to after the “Holy Days” as a practicing Jew.

Thanksgiving comes upon us and we already don’t feel great. We know we gotta do a cleanse or turn things around for the better. The brain gets to pleading with you not to start NOW because, “mama going to hook up the turkey and graving!”

“Mama going to be mad if you don’t eat!” “Mama going to say you don’t love her if you don’t try her new banana pudding!” Daddy going to nag you to try it so your mama can get off his back!

I forgot, after thanksgiving is christmas and new years, so you might as well clean up after the new years

So you decide to go healthy after the holidays or holy days if you’re Jewish or a practicing one. Doing this gives you the free branch card to binge on everything you can because “don’t trip,” your brain says, “you’re going to do a full cleanse after thanksgiving bro,” or sis.

So you go at it. Unfortunately, after the holiday, your brain says, “I forgot, after thanksgiving is christmas and new years, so you might as well clean up after the new years, you know make it a resolution like last year!” You agree.

You’re brain gets you to hold off February also because all that chocolate will just ruin a cleanse… and it goes like this until your doctor says, “This is serious, you’ve gotta lose some weight!”

The point is that people often let holidays control their life. And what’s worse is that these holidays aren’t full of healthy eating, so you at full force pollute your body with “good eating” without any cleaning.

The remedy is to build the habit of good eating habits for at least 3 to 6 months, then if you go to a holiday get together, your body will certainly recognize BAD eating and attempt to talk you out of it the next time you’re around “good eating” during the holidays.

Get started now!

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